After studying the History of Art & Design to Postgraduate level, Fiona discovered that she preferred making things to talking about them.
She's fascinated by materials which alter state and she works in wool, metal and glass.
Process inspires her, whether in felt-making, dyeing or metalsmithing. She likes her work to grow organically, with the results of each step suggesting the next direction to be taken. Being surprised and slightly off-kilter makes her feel at her most creative, leading her in unexpected directions which otherwise wouldn't occur to her.
Fiona finds the plasticity of wool fascinating, its malleability as felt gives it qualities more akin to clay than to woven textiles and she works by playing with this quality. It also accepts colour readily, which adds to the joy of working. Similary, aluminium is a wonderful medium for dyeing and continues the overall narrative of Fiona's work which centres on the uplifting nature of vibrant colours.
The stranger forms of nature, plant and animal are great sources of inspiration to Fiona, as is the place of wool and colour in the historical and archaeological record.